Holy Bible
I'm so glad that you want to read the Word of God. The bible says, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15.
At Kingdom Vision Church (KVC) our Pastor Johnnie White encourages us to study the Word of God. He also inspires us to know God for ourselves and develop a personal relationship with him by learning of him. Your spiritual life will grow when you're in the Word of God daily.
If you really want to grow you must attend our Wednesday night Bible Study. In Bible Study we're blessed to get such a Word from God. This powerful man of God allows the Lord to use him in Bible Study. I've never been in a bible study like the bible study at KVC. You leave there on Wednesday night full from the Word you received and hungry to learn more.
Pastor White's anointing flows over into Bible Study and he teaches under the influence of the Holy Spirit. You can feel it when you enter the church. Bible study is full of members and visitors excited about learning God's Word. We've had topic like 'Thinking Outside the Box', 'Establishing Relationships that Please God', 'Spiritual Warfare' and 'Highlighting the Family'. Can you imagine what this is doing for the body of Christ? Don't miss this opportunity to GROW in the Word of God.
Holy Bible |
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Audio Bible |